Overton Grange School Council

At Overton Grange School we believe that everyone involved in our school has the right to be heard. The engagement between the student body and the school leadership is maintained through regular meetings at a tutor group level, year group level and through the main school council. Year council representatives from each tutor group meet regularly as a Year Council to raise ideas and queries from their tutor groups with the Assistant Head of Year, and to decide which of these are to be raised at the School Council. The School Council is made up of two representatives from each Year Council, as well as the Student Leaders in Year 13. All Year and School Council representatives are elected by their peers. The School Council discusses items raised and makes recommendations to the Senior Leadership Team. Some meetings are attended by the Catering manager, Business manager or site team when relevant. The School Council is an active body which has overseen many projects to make improvements, as explained in the video below.

School Council Members 2023 - 24